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Milk Bath Recipes

Milk baths are luxurious and a nice treat to pamper yourself, makes skin silky soft. 
These can also be made in bulk and given as 
gifts in a jar–just omit the water and include directions with each jar.

You can adjust the recipes below to suit your own preferences, 
simply increase or decrease the scented items as you like.

Peppermint Milk Bath Recipe

1 cup powdered milk
1/2 cup cornstarch
2 cups hot water
1/2 teaspoon peppermint oil

Herbal Milk Bath Recipe

1 cup powdered milk
1/4 cup cornstarch
2 TBS dried herbs of choice
2 cups hot water

Almond Honey Milk Bath

1 TBS Almond Oil
1/4 cup honey
 (*omit honey if mixing ahead, add when using)
1 cup powdered milk
2 cups hot water

Lavender Milk Bath

1 cup powdered milk
1/8 cup dried lavender
2 cups hot water

Directions For Each Recipe:

Mix ingredients together with a whisk until powdered
 milk is dissolved then pour into running bath.

 Homemade Bath Salts & Soaks

Before mixing the recipes, make sure that any herbs
 or oatmeal added are first ground finely (use a food processor if possible). 
This helps keep the bath “clump free”.

Mix the ingredients well, store in airtight plastic containers 
or sterilized jars (such as mason jars or small & pretty jam jars). 
Shake the jar well before using.

You can add as little or as much as you like to the bath,
 anywhere from 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup should be plenty.

Cinnamon Soak

1 cup powdered milk
1 cup baking soda
3 TBS cornstarch
2 TBS cream of tartar
1 1/2 TBS cinnamon

Soothing Bath Soak

4 cups Epsom salts
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup sea salt
2 TBS dried herbs (finely ground)

Herbal Milk Bath

2 cups powdered milk
1 cup cornstarch
2 TBS dried herbs (finely ground)

Oatmeal & Cinnamon Milk Soak

1 1/2 cups powdered milk
3/4 cup baking soda
3/4 cup oatmeal (finely grind it first)
3 TBS cornstarch
2 tsp cream of tartar
2 tsp cinnamon

Herbal Salts

1 1/2 cups Epsom salts
3/4 cup baking soda
as much essential oil as you like in your favorite scent

More Tips:

If you like fragrant bath soaks, try mixing in a few drops of your essential oils or perfumes. I wouldn’t do this with bath soaks that contain dried herbs or spices already.

For pretty colors, try adding a few drops of food coloring then shaking the jar really well. Don’t add too much though in case your bath tub gets stained.

Bath salts and soaks make great gifts in a jar, decorate the lids and jars, maybe add a few bath beads. For a nice touch include the recipe too so the recipient can make some more if they like.

Homemade Herbal Bath Bag Recipes


Herbal bath bags (also known as bath tea bags)
 make a lovely soaking bath that can be beneficial
 to your skin, ease stress and help soothe aches and pains.

They’re similar to the shower spa bags except these soak in the tub with you, 
making the bath a luxurious tea spa.
 If you just need some tender foot therapy to ease sore feet,
 these can be added to foot baths.

Basic Instructions:

Make drawstring bags out of cheesecloth, organza or muslin, 
enough to hold anywhere from 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup of your favorite herbal bath recipe. 
Tie them tightly shut so the loose herbs won’t float out into the bath water.
 After use the contents can be emptied, the bags rinsed out then washed to be refilled and reused.

Bath Preparation Directions:

Two ways you can enjoy these, either hang the bags on the tap while the hot water is running to fill the bath, making sure the water is running through the bags. Once the tub is filled, let the bag float in the tub with you.

Infusion Method
Boil a quart of water, turn off heat, add herbal bath bag to water, cover, then steep (let it steep at least 20 minutes for best results). Add all of this piping hot infused water to your bath (be careful not to burn yourself) and plop the herbal bag in the bath to soak while you’re in it too. 
Note: Do not steep the herbs in an aluminum pot.

Herbal Bath Tea Recipes:

These amounts will make a batch at a time to be stored
 in an airtight container until you use them. 
For convenience, fill up your drawstring bags then store.

Basic Milk Bath Starter Recipe

1 1/2 cup powdered milk
1/2 cup Epsom salt
1/8 cup baking soda
2 TBS cornstarch

Use this as the base for herbal milk bath bags,
 add whatever dried flowers and herbs you like.

Lavender Bath Soak:

1/2 cup dried lavender
1 cup Epsom Salts

Lavender Oatmeal Bath:

1 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup dried lavender

Lavender Oatmeal Milk Bath:

1/2 cup powdered milk (or the milk bath starter recipe above)
1/2 cup oatmeal
1/4 cup dried lavender

Rosemary Oatmeal Bath Tea

1/2 cup Oatmeal
1/4 cup Rosemary (dried)
1/4 cup Chamomile (tea is fine)

Lavender Chamomile Soak:

1/2 cup each: 
Epsom salt, lavender, chamomile

Herbal Splendor:

1/2 cup each: 
thyme, sage, lavender, mint, bay leaves, rosemary

Herbal Soother Bath Soak:

1/2 cup each: 
Lavender, Rose Petals, Sage, Rosemary

Rosemary Basil Soak:

1/2 cup rosemary
1/2 cup basil
1 cup oatmeal

Homemade Bath Spa Bonus:

Along with the herbal bath bags, you can add 1/2 cup of honey
 to your bath while the water is running. 
Or you could use the milk bath starter recipe with the honey
 for a homemade milk and honey bath.


Easy Food Facials

When mixing food items for facials, make sure to use sterile utensils and containers.
Wash hands really well so they’re clean before applying the skin treatment.

The first time using a recipe
Apply a bit of the prepared mask to the inside of your wrist
 before using on your face. You want to make sure your skin won’t have
 a bad reaction to it (allergies). 
If your skin begins to feel irritated or burning, remove mask immediately.

First step is to apply a warm cloth to your face to open pores,
 then apply the facial mask. Wash the mask off with warm water
 and rinse with cool water (to close pores).

Simple & Easy Food Facials

apply it directly to skin and remove after 15 minutes

Oatmeal & Water to make a paste–
apply directly to skin and remove after it’s hard

Avocado (mashed)–
apply to face and remove after 20 minutes

Strawberries (mashed) and honey (about 1 TBS)–
apply to face and remove after 10 minutes

Strawberries (mashed), plain yogurt (to make a paste)–
remove after 15 minutes

Strawberries & Cornstarch (2 to 1 ratio)–
mash strawberries very well and mix in cornstarch. 
When you have a paste, apply to skin and remove after 30 minutes

Bananas (ripe, mashed)–
apply directly to skin and remove after 15 minutes. 
You could also add 1 or 2 TBS of honey to the banana before applying if you like.

Papaya (mashed)–
apply to skin and remove after 5 minutes

Grapes (mashed) and honey to make a paste–
apply to skin and remove after 25 minutes

Kiwi (mashed), 2 TBS yogurt (plain), 1 TBS fresh orange juice–
apply and remove after 15 minute

Yogurt (plain)–
apply directly to skin and remove after 20 minutes

Blackhead Remover Recipe

50/50 Baking Soda & Water. 
Use gently on your skin as an defoliator.


Herbal Steam Facial Recipes

Home steam facials not only hydrate your skin and help clean pores,
 they’re wonderfully relaxing and a great way to de-stress.
It’s a good idea to not overdo steam facials, too many can be harsh for your skin.
Limit yourself to 1 or 2 steam facials a week (maximum), less if your skin is sensitive.
If you feel light headed or woozy during the steaming, stop the facial at once.

Home Facials Preparation

Clean face thoroughly before giving yourself a steam facial and tie hair back so it won’t hang loose around your face.

Boil a kettle or pot full of water then add the herbs and fruity ingredients (about 1/3 cup fresh or dried herbs and fruit slices per 4 cups of water). Boil for a minute or two then remove from heat. Cover and let steep for about 5 minutes.

Place pot on counter or table (on top of a towel to protect the table surface) and remove lid. Cover your head with a large clean towel and position your face over the steaming water (with the towel acting as a tent over the bowl to capture the steam).

Keep your eyes closed and your face at least 10 to 12 inches from the boiling water during the facial. Enjoy the fragrant steam and relax, but don’t overdo it–keep the facial time between 5 to 7 minutes.

Once the facial is over, splash face with slightly cool water and pat dry.

You can use a few drops of your favorite essential oils instead of fresh or dried herbs.

Herbal Steam Facial Recipes

Spearmint, Lemon Balm, Lemon or Orange Slices

Chamomile, Rosemary, Peppermint

Green Tea, Rose Petals, Chamomile

Rosemary, Lemon, Honey

Lemon Slices, Peppermint

Lavender, Calendula, Rose Petals

Lemon balm, Lavender

Fennel Seeds, Peppermint

Chamomile, Fennel Seeds, Rose Petals

Thyme, Peppermint, Lavender

Parsley, Lavender, Lemon balm

Sage, Lavender, Rosemary, Thyme

Cinnamon, Orange Slices

Peppermint, Cloves, Rosemary

If you love the aroma from a fragrant herb, try that alone for a pleasing steam facial.
Experiment with different citrus fruit slices, herbs, and even a spice or two.

If you don’t have fresh or dried herbs on hand,
you could try some of the herbal vinegars