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The Properties of Stones

There are millions of stones on this Earth with healing and protection properties. 
I cannot list all of them here, but you can find many many books on them. 
I am going to list some stones that I personally use for Healing and Protection. 
I am also going to list different stones that are useful for different Chakras.

  Amethyst- Purple-A variety of quartz-
It is a powerful blood cleanser, and energizer. 
Helps with mental disorders, purification and regeneration on all levels. 
It enhances higher atonement, which makes it excellent for meditation. 
It has great healing properties, stands for divine love, inspiration and intuition. 
I personally wear and own many amethyst, it is probably my favorite stone.
Chakras-Brow and Crown


  Aquamarine- Aqua-From the beryl family-
Calms nerves. It strengthens the kidneys, liver, spleen and thyroid. 
It purifies the body and balances the physical, emotional and mental energies. 
Excellent for meditation, as it stands for inspiration, peace, calmness and love.
Chakras-Throat and Solar Plexus


  Aventurine-Green-A variety of quartz-
Purifies mental, emotional and etheric bodies. 
Aids in releasing anxiety and fear. Stimulates muscle tissue. 
Strengthens blood. Helps align with your center.


  Bloodstone-Dark green with red spots-A variety of chalcedony
Strengthens and
oxygenates bloodstream. 
Strengthens heart, spleen and bone marrow. 
Helps balance iron imbalances. 
It is a powerful healer by stimulating the
Links root Chakra with Heart Chakra.
Chakras-Root and Heart


  Carnelian-Orange to brown-A variety of chalcedony-
Very highly evolved mineral healer. 
Energies blood, aids kidney, lungs, liver,
gallbladder and pancreas. 
Revitalizes physical, emotional and mental bodies. 
Helps with concentration and opens the heart.
Chakras- Sacral, Solar Plexus and Heart


  Citrine-Yellow/orange -A variety of quartz-
Good for kidneys, colon, liver, gallbladder, digestive organs and heart. 
Helps relieve fluid retention.
 Detoxifies physical, emotional and mental bodies. 
Enhances healing energy, ceases self destructive tendencies. 
Good for self esteem, aligns person with their higher self.
Chakras-Sacral and Crown


Enhances brain function and aligns the cranial bones. 
Breaks up blockages in crown chakra and in personality. 
Master healer. Purifies physical and etheric bodies. 
Enhances all energies in mind, body and spirit. 
Aligns with higher self


  Clear quartz-
a very powerful healing stone. It enhances the cells of blood, the body and mind.
It balances emotions, and boosts thoughts. Increases all forms of energy.
Gets rid negativity. It is also a wonderful stone for use in meditation.


  Emerald-Green-a variety of beryl-
Strengthens heart, liver, kidneys, immune system and nervous system. 
Balances lower and higher energies. 
Encourages dreams, meditation and deeper spiritual insight. 
Strong emotional balancer.
Chakras-Solar Plexus and Heart


Strengths, purifies, vitalizes and regenerates bodily functions, 
especially the bloodstream. Helps harmonize the kundalini.
Chakras- Root


Positive effect on bloodstream. Activities spleen. 
Lowers stress. Helps circulates oxygen throughout the body. 
Releases muscle pain and arthritis.


Strengthens the kidneys and immune system. 
Cleanses the blood. Enhances fertility and long life.
 Powerful emotional balancer. Dispels negativity.
Chakras-Root and Sacral


  Lapis Lazuli-Blue-
Strengthens bones, activities thyroid gland, 
releases tension and anxiety. 
Energies Throat Chakra, gives strength and vitality. 
Opens the chakras as well as psychic abilities 
and communication with higher self.
Chakras-Throat and Brow


  Malachite-Shades of Green-
Enhances workings of spleen and pancreas.
 Reduces tension and stress. 
Helps in the regeneration of tissue, strengthens the heart, 
and circulatory system along with pineal and pituitary glands. 
Helps in sleep, but vitalizes body and mind. 
Unblocks subconscious. Balances all levels. 
A great stone for empaths as it blocks the 
picking up of negative energy,
Chakras-Sacral, Solar Plexus and Heart


  Moonstone- Colorless, white, yellow, orange, and gray-
Great emotional balancer. 
This gem is a very powerful gem, 
and can be used for many purposes. It is famous for lifting your confidence, 
you will notice a new freshness in yourself. 
you wear it you will feel stronger and will feel like you can 
conquer all that you take out to do. 
Helps heal the stomach, spleen, pancreas and pituitary gland. 
Relieves stress and anxiety, and is an emotional balancer.
Chakras-Sacral and Heart  


  Obsidian-Dark black, brown, snowflake, mahogany or rainbow-
Is often used for gaining clear insight into problems. 
Helps stomach and intestines. 
Connects mind and body, has slightly masculine energies. 
Reduces stress and negativity. 
Teaches how to detach with wisdom and love. 
Powerful healer.
Chakras- Root  


  Peridot-Light Green-
Balances glands. Helps in tissue regeneration and 
aids the heart, pancreas, spleen, liver and adrenals. 
Purifies the body and bloodstream. 
Aligns body and mind. Helps with growth and personal gains.
Chakras-Sacral, Solar Plexus and Heart  


  Rose Quartz-Pink-Variety of quartz-
Assists kidneys and circulatory system and increases fertility. 
Balances sexual and emotional energies. 
Helps dispel anger, resentment, guilt, fear, jealousy, stress and tension. 
Helps aid forgiveness, compassion and love. 
It has long been called the ‘Love stone’.
Chakras-All lower-Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus and Heart  


Strengthens the heart and liver. 
Assists the pituitary gland and the entire glandular system. 
Aligns body, mind and spirit. 
Helps connection with higher self and spirit guides. 
Excellent for mediation.
Chakras-Throat and Brow  


The master programmer. 
It focuses energy, grounds and increases willpower. 
Has a positive effect as it dispels negative energy.
Excellent for distant healing, 
because of it’s healing, focusing and grounding quality.


  Sodalite-Blue & White- 
Aids in physical healing and purification. 
Great for insomnia and headaches. 
Brings clarity, and cuts through illusion.
Chakras-Throat and Brow  


Regenerates tissue, fortifies liver, 
digestive organs and nervous system. 
Warming, awakening, inspiring.
Chakras-Sacral and Crown


Strengthens thyroid, metabolism and emotional balance. 
Cooling, soothing, peace, tranquility. 
Inspires communication with higher self, spirit. 
Enhances psychic perception.
Chakras-Heart, Throat and Brow


Aids balance of the endocrine system. 
Aids in sleeping. Strengthens body and mind connection. 
Banishes fear, and negative energy. 
Strong protective quality and is a powerful healer.

Different colors align to different chakras.


Watermelon-red/green-Root and Heart  


Blue-(indicolite) Throat and Brow  

Red or Pink-(rubellite) Root and Heart  


   There are many many more I could mention, 
but I would end up writing a book about stones, so I will stop here, 
but please if you are at all interested in crystals 
and gems do investigate it on your own.

  Now I am sure you want to know what to do with all these stones.
 Well, you can find the stone that heals what problems 
you have and wear that stone, or sleep with it by your bed, 
use it in a Chakra healing, etc. 
The list above covers different stones for healing as well as protection.

  Since clear quartz crystal is great for cleansing energy, I wear one,
 have them hanging in all my doorways and windows, 
so that the energy coming into my house is cleansed. 
On my window sills I have all sorts of stones to protect the energy etc. 
I wear an
Amethyst around my neck and a Rose Quartz on my finger. 
I have a Sodilite beside my bed and a large 
Healing Quartz hanging above my bed. 
Once you begin experiencing the energy of stones, 
you will not want to be without one or two or several. 
I never leave the house without a couple on my body, 
I never do a Reading without at least two.

   I wanted you to have an idea of the different stones as we go through this book, 
so that when I say use your Amethyst for healing etc. 
you will know what I am talking about.



All materials

@ Katrina MacKenzie-2008