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The human being is a compilation of many energies, only some of which are dense enough for us to perceive with our eyes, namely that of the physical being. However, that could not function without the more subtle energies which essentially feed it with life force.

There are centers all over the body which gather different frequencies of this life force. Light vibrates at different frequencies and we call this the spectrum as clearly visible in a rainbow. The frequencies of energy that govern out bodies are also viewed as a spectrum. Each color has a main centre called a 'chakra', like a vortex it gathers or throws out energy - just as we breath air.

Each chakra influences different glands around the body, glands produce hormones, hormones are responsible for our thought processes, the way we feel, regeneration of cells and so forth. Therefore a healthy chakra system is vital to our wellbeing. The following is a brief description of the seven main chakras and what they govern.


  First Chakra - Root

The Root chakra is anchored at the base of the spine Its energy is associated with survival instincts, security, material needs, masculine sexual drive, it provides vitality and stamina. The Root is, in a sense; the hunter gatherer of our chakras. It is a vital channel for grounding negative energies out of the body and anchoring our being to the Earth plane. If this chakra is blocked or its vibrant red color is darkened it may lead to many problems such as: depression, anxiety, lethargy, fear, circulation problems, aggressive behavior, lower body pain, swelling, eating disorders, frustration etc A healthy Root will provide vitality, patience, tolerance, thinking before we act and a positive approach to gaining what we need.

As one of the masculine chakras it spins clockwise and gathers energy to the body.

Beneficial gemstones for the Root chakra are: Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Black Obsidian and Black Tourmaline.

Beneficial scents for aromatherapy-Orange, lemon, vetyver.


  Second Chakra - Sacral

The Sacral chakra is anchored to the spine an inch or two below the navel. This chakra is associated with feminine sexuality which is more of a sensual nature, creativity; while the Root deals with the raw materials of manifesting the Sacral deals with nurturing. It's energy is essential for socializing and relationships and linked to our emotions. Here is felt the lower forms of intuition; gut instinct, the way we sense unseen aspects in our material lives, It gives rise to such sayings as 'feminine intuition' and 'the feminine touch'.

A blocked or dark Sacral chakra, which should be a bright orange, will result in a lack of inspiration, shyness or isolation, emotional outbursts, being manipulative, kidney disorders, muscle spasms or stiffness in the lower back, constipation and intestinal problems. If balanced and healthy this chakra invokes harmony in friendships, a flowing of emotions rather than dominance by a few, openness of positive expression.

As a feminine chakra the Sacral spins counter clockwise and expresses its energy outwards.

Beneficial gemstones are: Carnelian Agate, Orange Calcite and Tigers Eye.

Beneficial scents-Oregano, bergamot, spikenard


  Third chakra - Solar Plexus.

The Solar Plexus is anchored to our spine just below the rib cage. It is associated with lower mental functions; intellectual knowledge as apposed to deep understanding, it is the centre of ego, perspective of the material realm, logic, calculation, control etc If dark or blocked this bright yellow energy centre may lead to a lack of confidence, confusion, vanity and being overly concerned about what others think of you, egotistical, diabetes, liver complaints, digestive problems such as allergies and intolerance to certain food, or if over active can result in nervous exhaustion, a very high metabolic rate. If balanced the Solar Plexus will endow us with confidence, the ability to absorb knowledge quickly, clarity of thought and perspective, life may seem more like its on our side, a desire for challenges, a healthy appetite etc

As a masculine chakra the Solar Plexus spins clockwise, 'sun-wise' as some ancient philosophies would say.

Beneficial gemstones are: Aquamarine, Carnelian, Emerald, Malachite, Peridot, Rose Quartz.

Beneficial scents-Basil, blue cypress, neroli


  Fourth Chakra - Heart

The heart chakra is anchored to the spine behind the breast bone. It is associated with the Earth as in the balance of nature, the interaction between elements and beats in rhythm with the magnetic pulse of the Earth. It governs our concept of time and motion. In some respects it is the bridge between two worlds; the pivot between higher chakras that are focused on our spiritual wellbeing and perceptions, and our lower chakras that focus on our material life and physical, emotional wellbeing. It is where we feel emotions most even if the emotions are provoked by other chakras.

So it is here we believe love is centered, though it should be noted that this is emotional love, there are other heart chakras which are connected to spiritual love and compassion; a subject for a more in-depth explanation of chakras and not applicable to everyone. If this radiant green chakras is dark or blocked it can lead to insecurity, being overly detached from either our feelings or those of others, disregard for nature, hatefulness and many of the negative traits of other chakras such as greed, paranoia, arrogance. 'A black heart' is a well known and apt phrase, physically speaking heart problems and blood pressure are the main ailments. If this heart chakra is clear however, we will feel a connection to all life, a respect for other ways and diversity, joy in the great outdoors and exercise, compassion and a well balanced outlook on life.

This feminine chakra spins counter clockwise.

Beneficial gemstones include: Rose Quartz, Kunzite, and Watermelon tourmaline.

Beneficial scents-Rose, angelica, pine


  Fifth Chakra - Throat

The Throat chakra is anchored to the spine in the lower portion of the neck. It is associated with communication, healing, teaching and the gathering of life force energy from the air. It is here that the energies of all chakras are expressed to the ears of others, whether that be the emotions of lower chakras, our opinions, creativeness and desires of lower chakras or the channeling and insights of higher chakras. If this electric blue chakra is blocked or darkened we may experience thyroid problems, difficulty in expressing, breathing difficulties, ear infections and thus balance problems, lethargic and a tightness at the throat. If balanced you may communicate your thoughts well, be able to nurture and teach others, whether that be your children or a public audience, a good sense of physical balance, a good metabolic rate.

The throat chakra spins clockwise gathering energy.

Useful gemstones are: Aquamarine and Azurite.

Beneficial scents-Combava, bay leaf and basil


  Sixth Chakra - Third Eye

The Third Eye is anchored just above and to the centre of the physical eyes. It is associated with psychic perception, like an eye that is able to see a greater spectrum of light than our physical eyes and one not limited by time and space. Higher intuition; sensing the invisible cause of affects, you could say the eye that a Tarot reader sees with. Higher mental faculties; the deeper understanding of an issue, knowing more than has been read or taught. If this deep indigo blue chakra is blocked symptoms may include negative ego as there is only an intellectual understanding of anything, lack of imagination and the ability to create something unique, blindness to a way forward in life, headaches can also be experienced.

If the eye is open there is a sense of wisdom, of seeing through false personas, psychic abilities of many natures can be unveiled. Astral travel. Philosophy and psychology transform from a tangled web to something more akin to common sense. A deeper connection to other people, whether they be on the material plane or 'spiritual plane'.

This feminine chakra spins counter clockwise, 'moon-wise' as some ancient systems would say. Enhancing gemstones are: Sodalite, and Lapis Lazuli.

Beneficial gemstones- Laboradite, Lapis, Sapphire, Sodalite

Beneficial scents-Lavender, thyme and cinnamon


  Seventh Chakra - Crown

The Crown chakra is just that and crowns the head. It is associated with spirituality, often viewed as the gateway to higher consciousness, universal mind and thus enlightenment of the lower (physical) self. Here is where universal energy is drawn down into the body which can be used for healing, it is the source color; white from which the spectrum of Love and Light emanates down through our manifested being.

If this chakra is blocked or dull the affects may include general negative traits in all chakras, depression, seeing no point in life, becoming a dull empty shell, having no regard for others or ethics. If open the chakra endows a sense of contentment, gentleness, grace, wholeness, a calming joy.

  This is a neutral chakra spins both ways at the same time, energy gently swirling in both directions which if 'excited' by energy work can cause a cascade of golden light over the body.

  Beneficial gemstones are: Clear Quartz Crystal, and Amethyst.

  Beneficial scents-Peppermint, sage, pink grapefruit



 I would like to thank my husband,
Phoenix MacKenzie for writing this chapter for the book.
@Phoenix MacKenzie 2008

All material copyrighted
@Katrina MacKenzie 2008