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The Beginners Guide

To Psychic Development

I am writing this book
and thought I would share it here with you
Keep in mind that this material is
@Katrina MacKenzie-2008

I believe in a Moral Code of Ethics 
So here it is

Code of Ethics

 "Do ye no harm to others"

Having gifts and how to use them;

It must be understood by those new to their gift that when a person comes to them for a reading or guidance that the person has literally bared their soul and spirit to them and can be very vulnerable and easily hurt.

We have a deep responsibility to those who come to us, and must maintain the highest standards of integrity when considering this.

It is one thing to warn a person about falling when seeing them approach a set of is quite another to push them down those stairs in order to be right.
Remember always treat others as you yourself would like to be treated and spoken to.

For every negative situation you see you must give a positive way to deal with it, or what is the point in giving the advice and that is what we are doing, giving advice. Remember that we are
Counselors and our duty is to counsel, to enhance the life of our clients, not harm it.

 I personally have had Readings from so-called ‘Best Psychics’ and I was very disappointed. Many of these new psychics don’t use a moral code of ethics. They just tell you any old thing and you are suppose to fawn over every word they say.

  I even told one that she was nowhere near correct, but she insisted that she was and I would believe her in time. Not so.

  Firstly, the best psychic is at best 85% accurate. Why? Beside other factors figure in. There is this little thing called ‘Free Will’ which means the person is going to do what they want regardless of what you tell them. Perhaps if the psychic is having a bad day, or perhaps the client reminded the psychic of someone else she read for and it is hard for her to separate her memories of the other reading and this reading and so on.

  What a psychic can tell you is that this is probably going to happen, IF you continue on the path you are currently on. If you don’t want that to happen, simple, change your path.

  Another thing that MUST be kept out of your readings is EGO. I know you have probably seen or heard those psychics that know they are right, no matter how hard you try to tell them that ‘no, I do not have 4 kids.’ Etc. Ego takes over the brain and blocks good receiving of psychic energy. Please leave your ego at home when you are reading.

  Reading health questions. Be very careful doing health readings, as it is a legal and moral issue about diagnosing a client. We are not doctors, so you can tell them what you sense, and advise them to see a doctor, but NEVER tell them to ignore what their doctor has told them. You can suggest some herbal remedies or healthy eating or vitamins to take, but again be careful.

  Also if you encounter a question or a sense of an impending death, you MUST be very careful. You can not blurt out that someone is going to die, that is a no no. But if someone specifically asks you if Uncle Tom is going to die soon, and he is ill and old, well just be careful. You could perhaps say something like ‘He is a fighter, but seems to be losing strength, he will go only when he decides it is time.’  If you sense a death near the person you are reading for, I like to say things like ‘Your Aunt Sue has been a bit under the weather lately and is really missing you. I think you need to spend more time with her.’ Something like that gives the person a reason to spend more time with that family member so that when they do cross over, they have had some time enjoying each other. You will find a way to handle this issue, just be compassionate.


I will teach you Tarot, About stones,
Chakras, Auras, and The Pendulum

To work through this class
you will go to the next page as we
move through the lessons.
The buttons to move to the
next class are on each lesson

I hope you get as much enjoyment
from these lessons as I did writing them.


@Katrina MacKenzie-2008