that heal
Protects your heart, prevents constipation, Blocks
Improves lung capacity, Cushions joints
* * apricots* *
Combats cancer, Controls blood pressure, Saves
your eyesight, Shields against
Alzheimer's, Slows aging process
* * artichokes* *
Aids digestion, Lowers cholesterol, Protects your
heart, Stabilizes blood sugar, Guards against
liver disease, avocadoes, Battles diabetes, Lowers
cholesterol, Helps
stops strokes, Controls blood pressure, Smoothes
* * bananas*
Protects your heart, Quiets a cough, Strengthens
bones, Controls blood pressure, Blocks
* * beans* *
Prevents constipation, Helps hemorrhoids, Lowers
cholesterol, Combats cancer, Stabilizes blood
* * beets*
Controls blood pressure, Combats cancer,
Strengthens bones, Protects your heart, Aids
weight loss
* * blueberries* *
Combats cancer, Protects your heart, Stabilizes
blood sugar, Boosts memory, Prevents constipation
* * broccoli* *
Strengthens bones, Saves eyesight, Combats cancer,
Protects your heart, Controls
blood pressure
* * cabbage* *
Combats cancer, Prevents constipation, Promotes
weight loss, Protects your heart, Helps hemorrhoids
* * cantaloupe*
Controls blood pressure, Lowers cholesterol,
Combats cancer, Supports immune system
* * carrots* *
Saves eyesight, Protects your heart, Prevents
constipation, Combats cancer, Promotes weight loss
* *cauliflower* *
Protects against Prostate Cancer, Combats Breast
Cancer, Strengthens bones, Banishes bruises,
Guards against heart disease
* * cherries* *
Protects your heart, Combats Cancer, Ends
insomnia, Slows aging process, Shields against
Promotes weight loss, Protects your heart, Lowers
cholesterol, Combats Cancer, Controls blood
* * chili peppers* *
Aids digestion, Soothes, sore throat, Clears
sinuses, Combats Cancer, Boosts immune system
* *figs* *
Promotes weight loss, Helps stops strokes, Lowers
cholesterol, Combats Cancer, Controls blood
* * fish* *
Protects your heart, Boosts memory, Protects your
heart, Combats Cancer, Supports immune system
* * flax* *
Aids digestion, Battles diabetes, Protects your
heart, Improves mental health, Boosts immune
* * garlic* *
Lowers cholesterol, Controls blood pressure,
Combats cancer, kills bacteria, Fights fungus
* * grapefruit**
Protects against heart attacks, Promotes Weight
loss, Helps stops strokes, Combats Prostate
Cancer, Lowers cholesterol
* * grapes* *
saves eyesight, Conquers kidney stones, Combats
cancer, Enhances blood flow, Protects your heart
* * green tea
* * Combats cancer* * Protects your heart* * Helps
stops strokes* * Promotes
Weight loss, Kills bacteria
* * honey* *
Heals wounds, Aids digestion, Guards against
ulcers, Increases energy, Fights allergies
* * lemons* *
Combats cancer, Protects your heart, Controls
blood pressure, Smoothes skin, Stops scurvy
* *limes* *
Combats cancer, Protects your heart, Controls
blood pressure, Smoothes skin, Stops
* * mangoes* *
Combats cancer, Boosts memory, Regulates thyroid,
aids digestion, Shields against Alzheimer's
* * mushrooms* *
Controls blood pressure, Lowers cholesterol, Kills
bacteria, Combats cancer, Strengthens bones
* * oats* *
Lowers cholesterol, Combats cancer, Battles
diabetes, prevents constipation, Smoothes skin
* * olive oil* *
Protects your heart, Promotes Weight loss, Combats
cancer, Battles diabetes, Smoothes skin, onions, Reduce
risk of heart attack, Combats cancer, kills
bacteria, Lowers cholesterol, Fights fungus
** oranges* *
Supports immune systems, Combats cancer, Protects
your heart, Strengthens respiration,
* * peaches* *
Prevents constipation, Combats cancer, Helps stops
strokes, aids digestion, Helps hemorrhoids
* * peanuts**
Protects against heart disease, Promotes Weight
loss, Combats Prostate
Cancer, Lowers cholesterol
* *pineapple* *
Strengthens bones, Relieves colds, Aids digestion,
Dissolves warts, Blocks diarrhea
* * prunes* *
Slows aging process, prevents, constipation,
boosts memory, Lowers cholesterol, Protects
against heart disease
* * rice* *
Protects your heart, Battles diabetes, Conquers
kidney stones, Combats cancer, Helps stops strokes
* * strawberries* *
Combats cancer, Protects your heart, boosts
memory, Calms stress
* * sweet potatoes* *
Saves your eyesight, Lifts mood, Combats cancer,
Strengthens bones
* * tomatoes* *
Protects prostate, Combats cancer, Lowers
cholesterol, Protects your heart,
** walnuts* * Lowers cholesterol, Combats cancer,
boosts memory, Lifts mood, Protects against heart
* * water* *
Promotes Weight loss, Combats cancer, Conquers
kidney stones, Smoothes skin
* * watermelon* *
Protects prostate, Promotes Weight loss, Lowers
cholesterol, Helps stops strokes, Controls blood
* * wheat germ* *
Combats Colon Cancer, prevents constipation,
Lowers cholesterol, Helps stops strokes, improves
* * wheat bran* *
Combats Colon Cancer, prevents constipation,
Lowers cholesterol, Helps stops strokes, improves
* * yogurt* *
Guards against ulcers, Strengthens bones, Lowers
cholesterol, Supports immune systems, Aids