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Quiz 1


Quiz 1

  I am pre summing that you have completed learning the major arcana cards? Please keep this quiz in your journal for future reference along with any notes you have from this quiz.

  1. What energies do you see in the Death card?

  2. How would you read the Death card in a relationship reading?

  3. What energies do you see in the Devil card?

  4. How would you read the Devil card in a business reading?  

5.  What does the color Red mean to you?

  6. If you were doing a reading regarding a relationship and the Lovers card came up with the Death card what would you say?

  7. If you felt that a man was cheating on his wife and 
you were reading for her what would you say?

  8. What does a spider symbolize to you?



All materials here

@Katrina MacKenzie-2008