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Tarot Spreads

There are lots and lots of Tarot Spread these days. If you put Tarot card spread in the search engine on the internet, many pages will come up. I am not even going to attempt to list all of those here.

 I will list a few for you to try;

 One of the most common spreads is the Celtic Cross Spread.

  The Celtic Cross Spread


1. The Significator

This is the card is chosen to represent the querent. It is almost always a face card, and should be chosen with the querent's personality and attributes in mind. (Usually the querent themselves will choose one, or you can pick one for them based on what "feels" like them.) Card 1 is under card 2 as card 2 crosses it.


2. The Crossing Card

An integral part of the situation that the querent may not be seeing, or something that may be an obstacle (likely if the card is reversed). This is something the querent needs the be aware of to resolve the situation.


3. The Foundation

What the question is based on; this is a little hard to define, but you will get a feeling for what this card signifies.


4. The Near Future

Coming events that the querent will want to watch for; this isn't necessarily the outcome of the situation, the rest of the cards will determine if it is.


5. The Crown

This card gives you a sense of what is permeating the question; this may be something that the querent aspires to, or what the querent hopes the situation will become.


6. Recent Events

Recent events that will have a bearing on the current situation.


7. The Querent

While the Significator already represents the querent, this will tell how the querent feels about the question and other details; it is a picture of the querent as relates to the situation.


8. The Querent's Surroundings

This is the people around the querent who have an influence on the situation; he/she will want to note whether the cards say they are supportive or not, and how they are related to the question. Sometimes the card will point directly to a specific person that is influencing the outcome heavily.


9. Hopes and Fears

What the querent hopes for this question, or what they fear most will happen. Helps the querent to realize how they feel about this question.


10. The Final Outcome

What will ultimately happen
(if the querent does nothing to change the situation, or if
they cannot do anything to change it).


  The Tree of Life Spread



The Significator.

This card represents the querent and should be chosen from amongst the Kings, Queens, Knights, or Pages.


1. Aims or Ideals.

This card represents what the querent would like to achieve.


2. Influences.

What is influencing the situation.


3. General Nature.

This is the general nature of the question; it defines it more completely.


4. The Key.

This may be something that the querent isn’t seeing; it is the key to the answer to the question or how to resolve the situation, or how to achieve what the querent is attempting to achieve.


5. Influences of the Present.

Influences on the situation or question from present circumstances that the querent needs to take into account for this reading.


6. Influences of the Future.

these will be things the querent will want to look out for.


7. Effect of the Significator.

This is the effect that the significator (the querent) has on the situation.


8. Effect of the Environment.

The effect that the people around the querent have on the situation, as well as other things surrounding the querent.


9. Hopes and Fears.

These are things that the querent maybe fears will happen or hops will happen with the situation.


The Final Outcome.

The ultimate answer to the querent's question.


The Horseshoe Spread

1. The Past.
This card represents past events that are affecting the question or situation the querent is asking about.

2. The Immediate Present.
Pretty self-explanatory; this card will tell you more about the situation.

3. The Immediate Future.
Near events that will affect this situation.

4. Something occupying the querent's mind.
The querent needs to be aware
of how this fits in with this situation.

5. The attitudes of others.
Attitudes and thoughts about this
situation from people surrounding the querent.

6. An Obstacle.
This is something the querent must overcome to resolve the situation.

7. The Final Outcome.
This is what will happen with the situation.


 3 Card Spread



Card 1.The past.

Card 2.The present.

Card 3.The future.

This is a good reading for anyone who just wants something general about their life.


The nine card spread, this is the one I
most often use as it gets right to the point
and is very clear and concise;

9 Card Spread


Cards 1-2-3 are past

Cards 4-5-6 are present

Cards 7-8-9 are future.


 This is an expansion of the three card spread. When I read I see the first row (1-3) as the past for this person, remember past could be 20 years ago, or yesterday.

 I see the second row (4-6) as what is going on in the present and what is contributing to what will happen in the future. Because you can change what you are doing in the present in order to have the future that you want.

 I see the third row (7-9) as the future.

 If you find you need more information on any of the cards, feel free to pull another card for that area. I often do that to get to the nitty gritty of that situation.


Next we get into Chakra Spreads. I will be discussing Chakras but wanted to put the spreads here with the other ones. I will not put the meanings or energies of the Chakras here, but in the Chakra chapter, these spread just show you which spread to use to see if they are balanced or not and what you need to do to bring them back into balance.


Chakra spread

 Simply draw one card for each chakra. I find this spread very effective for focusing my attention on what each chakra's condition is. I meditate, or concentrate briefly, I should say, on each chakra and its focus before I draw its card. This spread will tell you if that Chakra is in balance or not. If in straight up position, it is balanced, if in reverse position it is unbalanced.

1. Root Chakra

2. Sacral Chakra

3. Solar plexus Chakra

4. Heart Chakra

5. Throat Chakra

6. Brow Chakra

7. Crown Chakra

This is the one I use. It is very deep but very clear in
exactly what is going on with me. There are a lot of cards to this, but worth the effort.


 1-The past-
what the person has brought with them from the
past that is affecting their unbalanced or balanced.

2-The Root Chakra

3-What is contributing to the imbalance of that chakra

4-What will help that chakra balance

5-The Sacral Chakra

6-What is contributing to the imbalance of that chakra

7-What will help that chakra balance

8-Solar plexus Chakra

9-What is contributing to the imbalance of that chakra

10-What will help that chakra balance

11-Heart Chakra

12-What is contributing to the imbalance of that chakra

13-What will help that chakra balance

14-Throat Chakra

15-What is contributing to the imbalance of that chakra

16-What will help that chakra balance

17-Brow Chakra-

18-What is contributing to the imbalance of that chakra

19-What will help that chakra balance

20-Crown Chakra

21-What is contributing to the imbalance of that chakra

22-What will help that chakra balance

23-Future Outcome


 When you lay out the cards, if the Chakra cards (the ones on the actual chakra) are right side up, they are in balance, if in reverse they are unbalanced. If the Chakra is in balance you can still see what keeps it that way and what hinders it.

 The blocking cards are placed sideways and the helping cards in right position.

Of course you have no idea what the
Chakras mean, until you read my Chakra page

All materials
@Katrina MacKenzie-2008