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Herbal Medicine


Agarwood {Aquilaria Agollacha}: The main properties of this oil are as an anti parasite oil.

It is traditionally used to treat malaria.
Also it is extensively used in Japan and the Far East
as an aphrodisiac. In Aromatherapy it is reputed to be the most effective aphrodisiac Essential oil.

Ajowan {Trachyspermum Ammi}: This oil is frequently used for circulatory problems.
It also
has good muscle relaxing properties. However over use can cause skin irritation in some people.

Alcohol: In Aromatherapy Alcohol is used to clean equipment, but it can also be used as a
base for making natural Perfumes. Do not Ingest.

Aloe & Seaweed Gel: A cooling and skin conditioning base, can be used on its own, but
with the addition of 3% Parsley Seed {Petroselinum Sativum} makes a wonderful eye gel,
that can help remove the shadows from tired eyes.

Aloe Vera Gel: Professional Aromatherapist's use this cool, skin conditioning base {with
Essential oils added} for treating clients who are undergoing radiation treatment to
counter the dermal damage done.
It can also be used with the addition of Lavender &
Roman Chamomile as an after sun lotion.

Ambrette Seed {Hibiscus Abelmoschus}: Frequently used for muscle aches and pains due
to sport or activity fatigue. Helps poor circulation too. Also used as an anti-depressant.

Amyris {Amyris Balsamifera}: The traditional use of Amyris is as a muscle relaxant, emollient,
soothing agent and a stimulant.
It can be used to treat neck muscle stress when mixed with

Ylang-Ylang or Marjoram.

Angelica Root {Angelica Archangelica}: A useful oil, but it should be avoided by pregnant
women, and diabetics.
That said, professional Aromatherapists use Angelica during childbirth
to help expel the placenta. A good tonic oil that can aid convalesces.
It can also be used to
help with draining the lymphatic system, and helps with period pains.
As an appetite stimulant
it has been used to treat Anorexia Nervosa.
Over use can induce insomnia.


Angelica Root {Angelica Glaucha}: This variation and chemo-type is reputed, from traditional
uses on the Indian sub continent, to be effective anti-venom in treating snakebites.

Angelica Root {Archangelica Officinalis}: As with many Essential oils, where the source
plant is grown will effect the quality of the oil produced, also while Angelica Archangelica I
s the modern internationally recognized name for the official source plant, Archangelica
Officinalis, is the old name.
Thus this is the same as Angelica {Angelica Archangelica}

Angelica Seed {Angelica Archangelica}: While Angelica root is a good body tonic the oil
from the seeds works well as a skin tonic, and may help with various skin conditions.

Anise Star {Illicum Verum}: This is used as an energizing and toning oil, and has traditionally
been used in China as a deodorant. It can be used to good effect for Asthma.
It can also
help with hangovers. However it has a slight dermal toxicity so should be used diluted and infrequently.

Apricot Kernel {Prunus Armeniaca}: As with all the carrier oils used in Aromatherapy, the oil
should be chosen to match the skin type. Apricot Kernel is especially suited to dry & normal skin types.

Arnica {Arnica Montana}: Used as an analgesic as well as a perfume ingredient.

Avocado (Refined) {Persea Americana}: Normally used as an addition to other carrier oils at
a rate of 10%-25%.
As it has a re-hydrating effect it is good for dry skin and conditions like
eczema. However it does appear to exacerbate Psoriasis in some people.

Basil Linalool {Ocimum Basilicum}: Forget the Prozac, Basil can be good for the relief of depression.

But over use will cause depression. Avoid if pregnant.
Good for respiration conditions, such as
Asthma and Bronchitis. As it has an effect upon Adrenal Cortex it can be effective with allergies.

Basil Sweet {Ocimum Basilicum}: Sweet Basil is great for aiding concentration and sharpening the senses.

Bay {Pimenta Racemosa}: One of the traditional uses of Bay is as an aphrodisiac, as it's a
stimulating & energizing oil, this could be true.
Bay is great for easing the muscles after sporting
activity and its a good hair tonic too.

Bay Laurel {Laurus Nobilis}: A good tonic for the Liver and Kidneys. Avoid if pregnant.

Benzoin {Styrax Benzoin}: Can be used as a joint rub to relieve the pain and discomfort of Arthritis.

Is also reputed to help with problem such as premature ejaculation.
It's a good oil for dry cracked
skin and chilblains.

Bergamot {Citrus Bergamia}: Without Bergamot oil there would be no Earl Grey tea.
But in
Aromatherapy this oil has many uses. It has good effects upon people with breathing problems.

Also this oil is useful for helping with digestive problems as well as dispelling internal parasites.

Bergamot is very useful for most skin conditions, especially when mixed with Eucalyptus,
especially acne and oily skin conditions. Caution, as this oil is phototoxic.
It is perfectly safe if
used on areas of the skin that are covered by clothing before going out into the sun.

Bergamot FCF (Bergaptene Free) {Citrus Bergamia}: As it is the Bergaptene that has the phototoxic
effect in this oil, this Bergaptene Free variant is also offered.
It should be noted that most
professional Aromatherapist's don't use this variant as it is seen as less effective.

Birch Sweet {Betula Lenta}: The birch oils are generally good for helping the body remove
toxins and purifying the blood. A good kidney tonic too.

Birch White {Betula Alba}: This oil is reputed to help with the removal of kidney stones too. See Sweet Birch.

Black pepper {Piper Nigrum}: Flatulence and Rheumatism are two conditions that this oil can be used
to relieve.
As it gives localized increase in blood flow, it is a good oil for helping tone muscles, as well
as relives the aches and strains from exercise. Over use can cause a skin rash on sensitive skins.

Borage {Borago Officinalis}: Borage seed carrier oil is a good skin conditioning oil.
Aromatherapy it is normally blended with other carrier oils and only used at 5% to
10% of the total volume of carrier.

Cajuput {Melaleuca Minor}: Also sometimes known as White Tea Tree.
One of the traditional
uses of this oil is as an Insect repellent, this combined with it's antiseptic and deodorant
properties make this a great oil for the traveler.

Calendula {Calendula Officinalis}: Calendula infused carrier oil, made from the African Marigold,
is used for its skin healing properties.
The Absolute oil while used mainly for its perfume, can
increase the skin conditioning properties to a skin care blend of essential oils.

Camelia {Thea Sinenis}: Used in traditional Chinese medicine for treating skin conditions, in
Aromatherapy it is very good for very sensitive and mature skin.

Camphor {Cinnamomum Camphora}: With it's cooling and skin conditioning properties, this oil
can make a great after sun lotion. But it should be avoided while pregnant.

Caraway {Carum Carvi}: A great pick me up oil for the emotions. Also very good for digestive problems.

Further as this oil helps stimulate localized circulation it can give color to a pale complexion.

And when mixed with Dill, it can be used to stimulate milk flow in nursing mothers.

Cardamom {Elletaria Cardomomum}: This oil has soothing and muscle relaxing qualities.

It has traditionally been used as a treatment for impotence too.

Carnation {Dianthus Caryophylius}: Used predominately as a perfume ingredient, but is
also reputed to be an aphrodisiac.

Carrot (Infused) {Daucus Carota}: As the scent of carrot seed is not liked by some, the addition
of 5%-10% to your carrier oil can give some of the skin rejuvenating properties of the Essential Oil.

Carrot seed {Daucus Carota}: It is claimed that this oil is good for treating Premature
Aging. But it is a very good oil to use in a make up removal blend.
However it's
aroma is not seen as pleasant by many and needs to be used in a blend.

Cassia {Cinnamomum Cassia}: As this oil can cause serious skin irritation, it should
not be used in massage, but as it is reputed to help adults with chronic Asthma it
can be used in a Vaporizer or Diffuser.

Cedarwood Atlas {Cedrus Atlantica}: Also known as White Cedarwood, it is reputed to
be best for long standing conditions such as Bronchitis.
In Native American Cultures it is
used as an aid to meditation.
Works well on oily skin problems, and when blended with
Frankincense and Cypress, it can be used to soften the skin. Avoid if pregnant.

Cedarwood Himalayan {Cedrus Deodora}: Often used as a natural deodorant. Avoid if pregnant.

Cedarwood Texas {Juniperus Texas}: As with other Cederwood's it is used as a perfume
fixative, as well as holding scents in Aromatherapy blends.

Cedarwood Virginian {Juniperus Viriginiana}: As with other Cederwood's it is used as a
perfume fixative, as well as holding scents in Aromatherapy blends.

Celery Seed {Apium Graveolens}: A good oil for diabetics to use as it can help prevent
Glaucoma. It is a useful oil for tired eyes too.

Chamomile Blue {Chamomilla Recutita}: First; in spite of international agreements there is
some confusion over the name of this oil.
Often it is known as German Chamomile, and
even Hungarian Chamomile.
Also in the 1940s the international scientific world agreed
that the Latin name for the source plant would change from Matricaria Chamomilla to
Chamomilla Recutita.
under any of these names it is the same oil. Distinctive by its strong blue color.

Each of the Chamomile's has its own uses in Aromatherapy, this one is traditionally
used as a soothing and toning oil.

Chamomile Maroc {Ormenis Multicaulis}: Sometimes know as wild Chamomile, it is not
a true Chamomile but a few drops in a base of Wheatgerm makes a wonderful skin conditioner.

Chamomile Roman {Anthemis Nobilis}: This is the main Chamomile used in Aromatherapy.

This particular oil is frequently used to treat Menstrual Problems, from PM to helping in the relief
of period pains. Good for dry and itchy skins and a brilliant skin cleanser.
Good for reducing
puffiness and improving the elasticity of the skin.

Champaca {Michelia Champaca}: Used mainly as a perfume ingredient, unknown uses in Aromatherapy

Cinnamon Bark {Cinnamomum Zeylanicum}: A very potent oil that will cause skin rashes if
overused, it is often best not used in massage. It is great at aiding the tired mind.

Cinnamon Leaf {Cinnamomum Zeylanicum}: This oil can cause skin irritation!
However it is a milder, yet still potent, oil than Cinnamon Bark.

It is useful for tightening loose skin. Use infrequently.

Citronella {Cymbopogan Nardus}: As this oil is a good insect repellent and a great skin
conditioner, when combined with Neroli and Bergamot. Also great for helping with sweaty feet.

Clary Sage {Salvia Sclarea}: A truly feminine oil.
As this oil mimics the female and helps
balance the reproductive hormones, it is the main Aromatherapy treatment for many
menstrual problems.
Depression is just one of the many problems this versatile oil can be
used to treat. However as this oil can make concentration difficult it should not be used if driving.

As it can induce a feeling of nausea when mixed with Alcohol, it can be helpful in treating
alcoholics, as well as an aid to beating dependency on other drugs too.

Clove Bud {Eugenia Caryophyllata}: Famously used to relief toothache it also has other uses.

It has been found to be effective in treating Lupus.
It can cause skin irritation, but even
people with the most sensitive skins can still carefully use this oil.
It can be used in a diffuser
or vaporizer during the winter to ward off infections.

Clove Leaf {Eugenia Caryophyllata}: See Clove Bud. The bud variant is the milder form of this oil.

Coconut (Fractionated) {Cocus Nucifera}: Fractionated coconut is a wonderfully light oil
that is suitable for all skin types, and it smells great too.

Coriander {Coriandrum Sativum}: This warming oil can be very good for dry chapped hands,
as well as arthritic and rheumatic pain. Said to help revitalize the glandular system.

Cubeb {Piper Cubeba}: As with many spice oils it is used to improve circulation, and thus
may help with Arthritis and Rheumatism.
Also useful for drying out congestion in the upper
respiratory tract.

Cumin {Cuminum Cyminum}: A warming oil that is said to help with Osteoarthritis and muscular pain.

It has a tonic action on the heart and is often used by professional Aromatherapist's to treat
clients at risk of heart attack. Helps increase lactation in women.

Cumin Black {Nigella Sativa}: Often used to increase fertility and increase sexual desire in
men, as well as normalize the menstrual cycle in women.

Cypress {Cupressus Sempervirens}: With it's anti-viral properties, this oil can be used as
a treatment for cold sores. Also a good treatment for heavy periods.
Good for oily skins
and often used to help with acne. However it is important to note that this oi

Davana {Artermisia Pallens}: With its fine cognac aroma, this oil is often used in male
toiletries. As it has good skin conditioning properties it is a good post shaving oil.

But as it is reputed to be the second most potent aphrodisiac Essential oil, Agarwood
being the first... Well this reputation can only be a case for personal experimentation.

Dill Seed {Anethum Graveoleons}: Often used to promote lactation in nursing mothers.

It also has a beneficial effect in promoting healing in the dermas.

Elderflower {Sambucus Nigra}: Used to make natural perfumes. Unknown uses in Aromatherapy.

Elemi {Canarium Luzonicum}: Elemi is one of the oils used in Conventional medicine,
as the oil helps with regeneration of broken bones the oil is used in plaster bandages
that hospitals use for plaster casts.
Because of its effect upon the skeleton, it may
help with Osteoporosis.
On the skin it has a drying and cooling effects, and is seen
as effective in chronic skin conditions.

Eucalyptus 80/85 {Eucalyptus Globulus}: Is one of the well-known Essential oils,
and has been used for years {since 1788} to treat chest conditions.
As it aids the
body in expelling mucous.
With it's analgesic properties Eucalyptus can be a great
treatment for sunburn. It also clears congested skin.
Also is very good for the treatment
of cystitis.
However as it raises blood pressure it should be avoided by people with
hypertension as well as people with Epilepsy.

Eucalyptus Dives {Eucalyptus Dives}: As there are over 600 species of Eucalyptus,
there are other variants that produce therapeutic oil.
While all the therapeutic Eucalyptus
oils have a beneficial effect upon Asthma, this one appears to be most effective for most people.

Evening Primrose (10% GLA) {Oenothera Biennis}: As this oil is high in Gamma Linoleic acid,
it is a very good skin conditioner and is normally used at 10 to 20% of total carrier oil.

Fennel sweet {Foeniculum Vulgare}: Good skin cleansing properties, and reputed to keep
wrinkles at bay. This oil can be a great help for the relief of Menopausal Problems.

Fir Needle {Abies Sibirica}: Has a good effect upon the respiratory system, and is suitable for
all chest conditions. Also a gentle warming action upon tired muscles.
Further it balances
chemicals in the body and could be useful for metabolic conditions.

Frankincense {Boswellia Thurifera}: This oil has the effect of helping to slow down breathing
and with its calming effect upon the mind, is frequently used to aid meditation.
Also useful
as a tonic for uterine problems, and can be useful during labour.
Could help with postnatal
depression. Reputed to help smooth out wrinkles, and give new life to mature skin.

Galangal {Galanga Officinalis}: A stimulating oil that helps reduce stress.

Galbanum {Ferula Galbaniflua}: A very useful oil for female reproductive problems.

As it helps with problems such as scanty periods, it should be avoided in pregnancy.

In Menopause it can help with hot flushes and mood swings associated with the change.

Good for mature skins too.

Garlic {Allium Sativum}: While a very useful oil, the strength of the aroma prevents many
people using this oil. As a strong antiseptic it can be used for many skin conditions.

Best used in a blend with other oils and at a rate of 1% or less, or the result is a loss of friends.

Geranium {Pelogonium Graveoleons}: Very useful for all skin types as it helps keep the
skin supple. A good tonic for the liver and kidneys too.

Ginger {Zingiber Officinalis}: A great warming, stimulating yet grounding oil.
Very effective
in dealing with colds and other upper respiratory conditions. Helps drying catarrh.

Also very good for digestive problems. Helps reduce bruising.

Gingergrass {Cymbopogon Martini}: Unknown uses in Aromatherapy. Used in Perfumes.

Grape seed {Vitis Vinifera}: Often used in Aromatherapy as a cheap oil, but it is not easily
absorbed into the dermas in many people. However it is good for retaining the Essential oils.

Grapefruit {Citrus Paradisi}: A great mind balancing and up lifting oil.
Reputed to help with
BI-polar disorder {Manic Depression} used in many cosmetic products as it is said to help
with reducing cellulite. Also useful in balancing the kidneys and helping to remove toxins.

Said to nourish skin cells too.

Guiacac Wood {Bulnesia Sarmienti}: A very useful oil for helping with the menopause.

As it can help with inducing vaginal secretion has added to its reputation as an
aphrodisiac too. As it helps tighten the skin, it is useful for mature skin.

Hazelnut {Corylus Avellana}: A carrier oil that seems best for dry to normal skin types.

Best used at 25% of carrier oil total.

Ho Leaf {Cinnamomum Camphora}: As this oil has an Aroma almost identical to Rosewood,
a seriously endangered spices, it is often used to replace the rosewood in perfumes.

However it does not have the same therapeutic effects and as yet its uses in Aromatherapy
are unknown.

Hop {Humulus Lupulus}: A mild calming Oil that can help with sleeping.

As it also has mild analgesic qualities it is particularly useful for any painful condition that
prevents sleep. A potent oil on the skin and it should not be over used.

Hyssop {Hyssopus Officinalis}: Safety first, as this is a very potent oil it should be avoided by
pregnant women, and people with high blood pressure, as well as people with Epilepsy.

This oil is reputed to help with grief. A very effective oil for helping scars to heal.

Immortelle {Helichrysium Angustifolia}: One of the most important oils in the Aromatherapist's
Pharmacopoeia. As it boosts the immune system it can raise the persons vitality.

Lessens the effect of shock, and helps with fears and phobias. Helps with depression too.

This oil also helps the skin regenerate, and promotes cell growth.
With it's anti-fungal,
anti-bacterial and anti viral properties, it is a very effective oil for various conditions.

Such as Candida, cold sores, acne, etc.
And when blended with Bergamot, Lavender and
Yarrow is said to be an effective treatment for Psoriasis.

Inula Sweet {Inula Helenium}: Aromatherapy uses unknown.

Jasmine {Jasminum Grandiflorum}: An extremely useful oil for treating depression.

It stimulates, uplifts and helps boost self-confidence.
It should be avoided during pregnancy,
but it can be used to speed delivery, once contractions have started.
Further it can help with
postnatal depression, while also help the mother bond with baby.
Also reputedly promotes
lactation in nursing mothers too.
A great beauty oil, helping all skin types, and dry skin in
A blend of 1% in Macadamia nut or Jojoba makes a wonderful moisturizer for
very sensitive skins. Makes a wonderful hair conditioner too.
While it is possible to produce a
Jasmine Essential Oil, it lacks the wonderful aroma of the Absolute.
Also as the absolute,
as with all absolute oils, is only used at half the dilution of an essential oil 0.5% - 2.
5% the
use of the absolute is better value.

Jasmine {Jasminum Sambac}: See Above. Jasminum Sambac is preferred by some for its perfume qualities.

Jojoba {Simmondsia Chinensis}: Less an oil than a wax.
In Aromatherapy it is normally used
at 5% to 20% of the total volume of carrier oil.
However as it also acts as a natural preservative,
and holds the scent of rare oils so well, it can be used as the only carrier oil in beauty applications.

At 10% of total volume, makes a wonderful hair conditioner too.

Juniper Berry {Juniperis Communis}: A great tonic for the liver, has been known to help with
cirrhosis. It also helps the blood clear toxins from the blood.
Very useful for oily and congested
skins. If used in a good skin care blend this oil can be good for the treatment of Acne.

Great for the hair too. Best avoided during pregnancy.

Kanuka {Leptospermum Ericoides}: This is one of two relatively new oils now used in
By looking at the traditional medicines of the Maori and Aboriginal peoples, it
was discovered that this oil reputedly had good skin toning properties.

Labdanum {Cistus Ladaniferus}: its main use is as a fixative in perfumes.
However as it also
has good mood uplifting properties as well as calming and stress reducing properties, it is an
effective and useful Aromatherapy oil. It has toning and soothing effect upon the skin too.

Lavandin {Lavandula Hybrida}: Lavandin oils comes from a plant that is a hybrid of True
Lavender {Lavendula Angustifolia} and Lavender Spike {Lavendula Latifolia}.
It is very
similar to Lavender but without the sedative properties; as such it has the ability to refresh
a tired mind. One of its main uses is as a pain killer, and can help with tired and stiff muscles.

Its cicatrisant effect can help with mildly scarred and blemished skin.

Lavender (Mont Blanc - High Alt) {Lavendula Angustifolia}: See Lavender.

Often has a better sedative effect helping give a good nights sleep.

Lavender {Spike} {Lavendula Latifolia}: This oil is a wonderful cerebro-spinal analgesic,
helping calm nerve pain too, makes this very useful oil for sports injury, and other aches
and pains.
Some times known as the male lavender as the scent is less flowery but 
clearer and fresher. As this oil is has as emmenagogic effect it is best avoided in pregnancy.

Lavender {Lavendula Angustifolia}: This is the most used oil in Aromatherapy.
It has a
soothing and sedative effect, thus helping with sleep difficulties.
Further it has a balancing
effect upon the central nervous system so may help with bi-polar disorder.
Its sedative action
also helps reduce blood pressure.
It's pain relief properties make it a great oil for sprains or
strains, especially in a blend with Marjoram.
As it promotes the growth of new cells, it is
suitable for all skin conditions. It has a very good effect upon burns and sunburn.

Great for healing wounds and preventing infection. A great hair and scalp tonic too.

Like Ylang-Ylang, Lavender is available in different levels, 30/32 40/42 50/52.

The most therapeutic being a 50/52 but for most uses a 40/42 is standard.
In some years,
as Essential oils are natural, there will be no 50/52 produced.

Lemon {Citrus Limonum}: Feeling hot and bothered? Try this cooling and refreshing oil.

A good tonic for the circulatory system.
As it helps liquefy the blood, it can be very helpful
for people with heart problems, and can have a good effect upon varicose veins.

Helps brighten dull complexions, and has a good effect upon spider veins and broken
capillaries. Further it has a cleansing action upon greasy skin and hair. Strengthens brittle nails.

Do not use in direct sunlight, as it is a photo-toxic oil.

Lemon Verbena {Lippia Citriodora}: This oil is famous for helping to banish depression, as it
reduces stress and tension it has very beneficial effects upon the mind.
Further, by helping
to reduce tension it can be useful for stress related sexual problems, and could explain it's
reputation as an aphrodisiac. Also this oil reduces puffiness in skin and is a good hair tonic.

Some tests have shown this oil to be photo toxic, so best avoided before going out into direct sun light.

Lemongrass {Cymbopogan Flexuosus}: A revitalising oil that helps with states of exhaustion,
lifting the spirits too. A good tonic for the body, helping the glands. Reputed to help with colitis.

In massage it helps make muscles suppler.
Helps give good tone to the skin, and helps open
the pores, thus can help with clearing acne.
Also as it helps keep insects at bay it can be a
great oil for the traveler too.

Lime {Citrus Aurantifolia}: Useful uplifting oil for helping deal with apathy.
As a digestive stimulant
it can also help with Anorexia. Its astringent, refreshing and toning qualities helps with greasy skin.

As with all the citrus oils it has a photo-toxic effect, so best avoided before going out into direct sun light.

Linden blossom {Tilia Europaea}: A relaxing oil that can help with sleeping problems.

Good for reducing blood pressure.

On the skin it has a softening and soothing action,
and is reputed to help keep wrinkles at bay too.
Further it has a reputation for helping
with blemished skin. A good scalp and hair tonic that is said to help promote hair growth.

Macadamia Nut {Macadmia Integrifolia}: Potentially one of the most useful of the carrier oils.

As the lightest oil, lighter than even Coconut, it is the best carrier oil for people with very
sensitive skins. Further as a light oil it can be used on very oily skins, yet is suitable for all skin types.

Mandarin {Citrus Reticulata var Blanco}: A much milder oil than many of the other citrus oils.

Yet still has the same refreshing quality of this class of oils.
When used in a blend with Neroli
and Lavender can be used to lessen the effects of stretch marks.

Manuka {Leptopermum Scoparium}: Another of the relatively new oils now used in
Aromatherapy that have come from traditional medicines of the Maori and Aboriginal peoples.

The hype from the main distillers say; "This oil could be more important and effective than
Lavender" Away from the hype, it does have good skin regenerating qualities.

The New Zealand Fire service are using this oil to treat burns victims, and with its pain
killing qualities it is seen as possibly very effective.

This oil reputedly had good skin toning properties too.

Marjoram Sweet {Origanum Marjorama}: A wonderful calming oil, helping reduce stress,
works well with those whom over work.
Helps reduce blood pressure, and aids painful
and sore muscles. Helps disperse bruises.
As a mild emmenagogue it should be avoided
in pregnancy. Also it will diminish sexual desire.

Marjoram Wood {Thymus Mastichina}: See Marjoram Sweet. Also known as Wild Marjoram.

The properties of this oil are very similar to Sweet Marjoram but milder.

May Chang {Litsea Cubeba}: This oil has come to Aromatherapy via Traditional Chinese
Medicine, where it is used as a Bronchodilator, making it useful for Asthma and other
respiratory problems. In TCM it is also used as a heart tonic.
A very uplifting oil, and
very useful for oily skin and hair.

Melissa {Melissa Officinalis}: A wonderful oil that is very useful for shock and bereavement.

Useful for states of hysteria too. Further it has a calming effect upon the circulatory system.

Melissa is also very useful for menstrual and reproductive problems, and can help some
women having difficulty conceiving. Useful with soothing allergic reactions.
As it can help
stem bleeding it can be useful in a natural After-shave.
Further it is useful for greasy skin
and hair. It is reputed to counteract baldness.

Mimosa {Acacia Dealbata}: A very useful skin conditioning oil, with its soothing and muscle
relaxing qualities. Also known as an anti-inflammatory and anti depressant too.

Myrrh {Commiphora Myrrha}: A very useful oil for stimulating the immune system.

Works well on many gynaecological problems.
This oil has a drying effect upon the skin and
works well for treating boils and acne. A useful oil for athletes foot too.

Myrtle {Myrtus Communis}: Also known as Bog Myrtle.
This oil can be useful is quelling feelings
of anger. Also can help with night sweats associated with menopause.
A good skin cleanser
helping clear congested skins. Useful for acne and blemished skin.

Neroli {Citrus Aurantium var Amara}: An extremely calming oil that can instill a sense of peace.

Useful treating chronic depression, anxiety, hysteria and shock. Useful for insomnia.

Also effective in treating neuralgia {nerve pain}.
Its stress reducing qualities make it useful for
treating sexual problems, and could be the source of its reputation as an aphrodisiac.
Also aids
with emotional problems relating to Pre menstrual syndrome, and irritability and tearfulness in
menopause. All in all a very good health tonic.
This oil is good for skin, improving elasticity and
helping cells to regenerate. Generally an excellent skin conditioner.

Niaouli {Melaleuca Viridflora}: Related to Tea Tree {Melaleuca..Alternifolia} but it has a more
pronounced effect upon the immune system. Works well in suppressing any viral infection.

A good skin cleanser, firming tissues and aiding healing.

Nutmeg {Myristica Fragrans}: Has an overall good effect upon the digestive system, and can
aid the body to break down fats.
Can be useful in Pre menstrual syndrome, and menopause,
as it imitates oestrogen.
Also can aid childbirth as it excites the motor nerves strengthening
contractions. But best avoided during pregnancy. Also a good hair tonic.

Oakmoss {Evernia Prunastri}: Has good skin toning and cleansing properties.

Olive {Olea Europae}: This is the same oil as used in cooking but without the preservatives
that are frequently added. Thus a cosmetic grade is better for use on the skin.
used as just 10% of total volume of carrier. Very good for the skin and hair.

In Aromatherapy often used for rheumatic conditions.

Orange {Citrus Aurantium var Dulcis}: Adds a little zest to gloomy moods, dispelling stress.

Said to help the body absorb vitamin C, and is a great oil to use to clear the air following illness.

Promotes the formation of collagen, thus helps to smooth out wrinkles.

Also helps dispel toxins from the skin. Suitable for all skin types but most effective on dry skin.

Orange Bitter {Citrus Aurantium var Amara}: See Orange.

The bitter orange seems to be more effective for dermatitis.

Oregano Common {Origanum Vulgare}: This oil has beneficial effects upon psychosomatic
disorders. Over all a good tonic for the digestive system, especially the liver and spleen.

The effect upon the liver could explain its reputation as helping reduce cellulite.

Osmanthus {Osmanthus Fragrans}: While its main use is as a perfume ingredient, it does
help reduce stress and have some anti depressant qualities too.

Palmarosa {Cymbopogon Martini}: A very useful oil for reducing high temperatures in fevers.

Has good anti bacterial and anti viral properties too.
It is reputed to eradicate wrinkles,
as it helps the skin cells balance their water content as well as the natural oil sebum, it
could be reducing them. Very useful for dry skins, but a good general skin tonic.

Parsley Seed {Petroselinum Sativum}: A very potent oil that should be used with care.

However it has a good cooling and clearing action on the mind.
Used mainly as a
diuretic to counter water retention during menstruation.
It also has been used in fighting
cellulite. Also useful when used in labor as it strengthens uterine contractions.
But for the
same reasons it should not be used during pregnancy, or painful menstruation.
It is a
good tonic for the digestive system, especially the liver and kidneys as it improves
circulation and helps cleanse the blood.
However it should not be used in people with
kidney problems, as it could over stimulate a weak organ. A good skin and scalp tonic.

Use infrequently.

Patchouli {Pogostemon Patchouli}: A strong earthy oil that will forever be associated with
hippies and the 60s.
It has a balancing action upon the mind, useful for overcoming lethargy
and increasing objectivity.
As it has a mild appetite suppressant quality it is frequently used
to aid dieting. It's astringent qualities may help tighten loose skin after dieting too.

Useful in the menopause for helping with hot flushes, and is frequently used as a natural
Also very useful for cracked and weeping skin

Peach Kernel {Prunus persica}: A very useful carrier oil, suitable for all skin types, but
especially dry skins. Can be used as moisturizing base too.

Peppermint {Mentha Arvensis}: Should more correctly be called Cornmint, Very good for
helping clear the respiratory system.
Is reputed to help speed up the metabolism and has
been used to help with weight loss.
A refreshing oil that can sharpen the senses in the
morning. Can irritate sensitive skins, and over use can over stimulate the nervous system.

Peppermint {Mentha Piperita}: A cooling and soothing oil.
Very effective for all respiratory
conditions, and has a relaxing effect upon
digestive problems.
The cooling effect upon joint
inflammation can make it useful for arthritis, and it works on muscle pain too.
A useful skin
cleanser that helps remove blackheads, and its cooling action can relieve itching and help
with sunburn. Effective upon greasy skin and hair.

Petitgrain {Citrus Aurantium}: A nice calming oil that can be used to aid Convalescence.

A good cleansing oil that can help clearing up blemishes like pimples or even acne.

Pimento Berry {Pimento Officinalis}: A potent yet useful oil, which helps stimulate local circulation.

This can aid rheumatic and arthritic conditions. Also can help with muscle cramp and pain.

It can be a good overall tonic for the body. Over use on the skin can cause a rash.

Pimento Leaf {Pimento Officinalis}: A milder effect than Pimento Berry, and more suitable
for people with sensitive skin.

Pine Needle {Pinus Sylvestris}: A very powerful antiseptic.
Helps with Bronchitis and other
respiratory conditions. A useful Kidney cleanser, and it can help with cystitis.
Further it has
an anti-inflammatory effect upon the gall bladder.
Also has a beneficial effect upon prostrate
problems in men. And is reputed to help overcome male impotency.
In women it can help
with uterine inflammation too.

Ravensara {Ravensara Aromatica}: A very useful oil for cleaning and clearing the breathing
passages. Also works well upon the sinuses too.
A useful toning oil that can help tighten
underused muscles, further it can help keep the breasts firm.

Useful for treating menstrual cramps too.

Rose Hip {Rosa Mosqueta}: The skin rejuvenating properties of rose are utilized in this
carrier oil.
Normally used at 5% to 10% of total carrier oil volume, it can add a feel of
luxury to a conditioning blend.

Rose Otto {Rosa damascena}: This is a truly feminine oil.
It's effect upon the mind is
reputed to be more pronounced in women, and is said to make her feel more positive
about herself. Said to increase the production of dopamine.
Further this oil is a useful
tonic for reproductive problems, from aiding pre menstrual syndrome to aiding vaginal
secretions during intercourse. Yet it also is reputed to increase semen production in men.

Useful for all skin types, yet particularly effective on Mature, Dry, or Sensitive skin.

Further it can soften hard skin, and is a wonderful oil for hardworking hands.

A valuable treatment for broken and thread veins.

Rosemary {Rosmarinus Officinalis}: A wonderful energizing oil, with its pain killing qualities
without the sedative action makes it a useful oil for muscular aches and pains.
A good oil for
treating headaches and Migraine. A useful toning oil.
Said to help with anemia, and is
reputed to help with cellulite too. Useful for sagging and puffy skin.
However as it raises
blood pressure it should be avoided by people with hypertension as well as people with Epilepsy.

Rosewood {Aniba Rosaeaodora}: Also known as Bois de Rose.
Illegal logging and rain forest
depletion has seriously endangered this source spices.
It is however still useful for chronic
conditions. Yet it is it's reputation as an aphrodisiac that seems to keep it on the general market.

Sage {Salvia lavandulaefolia}: A calming oil when used sparingly.
Beneficial for menstrual
and reproductive problems.
As it imitates Oestrogen, it can help with regulating the
menstrual cycle. Has a good reputation for aiding conception.
Further in menopause it
can help with excessive sweating and hot flushes.
Useful tonic for the liver and kidneys,
promotes urine flow, and this diuretic effect can help with weight loss.
Very effective in
helping close large pores. Gives dull hair back its shine.

Sage {Salvia Officinalis}: See Sage {Salvia lavandulaefolia}.
This variant has a toxic effect,
even at low doses, so is best avoided for home use.

Sage {Salvia lavandulaefolia} does not have this toxic effect but is still a potent oil.

Sandalwood Mysore {Santalum Album}: While Sandalwood does grow in other areas of the world,
it is only the Sandalwood from the Mysore region that has the full therapeutic effect.

It has a strong
calming effect but should not be used for depression as it can deepen the depression.
However it
is very useful to open the third eye or bring prophetic dreams, when rubbed on the forehead.

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