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Herbal Medicine

Home Remedies

There are foods in your kitchen that offer help in the treatment of common
physical problems. There are also herbal and homeopathic remedies that
more aggressive treatment, and in a few cases, more risk.


Orange peel has been found to be very an effective treatment. Pound the
orange peel with water on a piece of stone to make a paste. Apply to the

Or: Lemon juice applied regularly has also proven to be beneficial.

Or: Rub face with raw garlic several times a day. It smells, but it works!

Warning: This treatment will affect your social life, but will deter vampires!

Also: Eating three cloves of raw garlic daily can also help the condition
that is creating the acne. Himalayan garlic is even better.


Lemon peel is believed to be one of the richest sources of vitamin P
(bioflavonoids). Shredded peel of lemon may be added to soups and stews, or
sprinkled over salads.

Or: Used as a medicine, the peel of one or two lemons may be cut up finely,
covered with warm water and allowed to stand for about twelve hours. A
teaspoon of the tea may be taken every three hours, or immediately before
after meals.
Or: Parsley is also an effective remedy for arteriosclerosis. Make a tea by
boiling a batch of fresh parsley in hot water or by simmering a teaspoon of
dry parsley in a cupful of hot water, in each case for a few minutes. Take
this two to three times daily.


Raw potato juice is one of the most successful biological treatments for
rheumatic and arthritic conditions. It has been used in folk medicine for
centuries. Cut a medium-sized potato into thin slices, without peeling the
skin, and place the slices overnight in a large glass filled with cold
water. The water should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

Or: Mix 1 teaspoon LIQUID Certo in 3 ounces of unsweetened grape juice.
Certo is used for canning jams and jellies. Dink two or three times a day.

Or: Mix 2 cups of oatmeal and 1 cup of water in a bowl and warm in the
microwave for 1 minute, cool slightly, and apply the mixture to your hands
or joints as a poultice.


Soak your feet in a mixture of two teaspoons of salt per pint of warm
Submerge your feet for five to 10 minutes, and repeat this process until the
rash goes away. Baking soda paste can be used between the toes, too. To
make the paste add a few drops of water to one tablespoon of baking soda. Rub it
over the irritated area, rinse off, and then powder your feet with cornstarch.

Or: Soak your feet in apple cider vinegar. It will sting, but it will also
take away the irritation.

Also: A tincture. Make this ahead of time: Put 20 to 30 minced garlic
cloves, 2 to 4 teaspoons ground cinnamon, 2 to 4 teaspoons powdered cloves
into 5 ounces of 100-proof vodka in a dark-colored glass jar or bottle with
a lid. This is not a drink! Seal tightly. Store out of direct sunlight,
shaking to mix every few days. The tincture will be ready to use in 14

Apply the tincture to the sole of the foot and between the toes with cotton
balls or a cloth. Apply twice a day, morning and evening. Let dry, then
dust the foot with cornstarch. 
If a rash or any unusual irritation develops,
discontinue use.


Whichever treatment you use, catch it early and drink lots and lots of

Cranberry juice is good for bladder infections. Homemade juice works even
better. Take a bag of fresh or frozen cranberries and boil them in water
until they fall a part. Don't add sugar. Cool and drink as much as you can.
Drinking a glass a day will also keep the infection at bay.

Or: Make a parsley tea - boil a bunch of parsley leaves in hot water for a
few minutes. Let stand until cool and then drink. Don't add sugar.

Or: Mix a cup of cucumber juice with 1 teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon
fresh lime juice. Take three times a day

Or: Mix 1 tablespoon of organic vinegar and 1/2 teaspoon of salt in an
eight-ounce glass of water. Drink it all down at once.

Or: dissolve two tablets of Alka-Seltzer in a glass of water and drink it at
the onset of symptoms. (Note: Alka-Seltzer 'Plus' Cold Medicine is not the

Herbal Treatment: Make a tea by pouring a cup of boiling water over 2
teaspoons of dried Uva Ursi (also known as Bearberry) leaves. Steep for 10
minutes. You can also find Uva Ursi in pill form. In high doses it can
irritate the kidneys. Do not take with cranberry juice. Do no use during


A boil is a staph infection and it is extremely contagious. Do not squeeze a
boil. Allow it to rupture on it's own. Draw the infection out using dried
parsley, one of Mother Naturešs strongest drawing agents. (Chewed plantain
or tomato paste also work well.) Disinfect the skin with alcohol. Then put
parsley over the boil (do not moisten), cover with gauze and tape in place
(If it is a tricky spot, use duct tape ­ it holds better). Leave it on
overnight and by morning the boil will have either popped or drained some.
Repeat until the infection is completely drawn out.


Rub dampened aspirin into the black area. Keep aspirin OUT of your eye!
Three aspirin treatments a day and no one will know.

Or: Peel a potato, wash it, and cut a round slice. Apply the sloce over the
black eye for about 30 min, treat as often as possible (laying down would
be wise). Shredded potato in cheesecloth also works well.


Drain large ones with a disinfected needle or razor blade. Do not remove the
cap of skin. Itšs naturešs band-aid. Let the broken blister air dry if at
all possible. Be careful of infection. Dab on a few drops of Listerine to

If you can't wait for the blister to completely heal, apply petroleum jelly
to it before covering it with Spenco's Second Skin and tape.

To help prevent blisters, grease up blister-prone areas. Use A&D Ointment
(typically used for diaper rash). It is thicker than petroleum jelly, and
works better.


Apply the inside of a ripe banana peel to the bruise. It is best if you
bandage the banana peel to the bruise overnight. Use duct tape.

Or: Place a slice of raw onion over the bruise (it smells!). Do not apply
to broken skin.

Or: soak a cotton ball in white vinegar and apply to the bruise for 1 hour.


Soy sauce is magic on burns! Fast treatment is important as skin continues
to be damaged after exposure. Rinse the burn in cool (not cold) water, pat
dry and apply soy sauce. Donšt use butter or margarine! They retain heat.

Or: rub a sliced tomato on the burn, or catchup.

Or: Apply a poultice of grated carrots or gauze soaked in carrot juice.
Mushroom also work well.

Or: Aloe is an excellent topical treatment for burns, but it does tend to
dry the skin.

Or: A washcloth soaked in milk also works well.

When the wound has started to mend a little, open a vitamin E capsule and
spread it over the burn. This helps reduce scarring.


If you are away for home and notice your lips are dry, put your finger on
the side of your nose or above your temple. Then rub your finger around
lips. Thatšs the oil they need! You wonšt get a lot of oil, but it will

Rubbing a slice of cucumber on the lips also helps. Experts swear by Carmex
and Bag Balm. You can also try applying olive oil, vitamin E oil, aloe vera
or cocoa butter.


Catch them early! When you first feel one coming on, use a Q-tip to apply
rubbing alcohol to the spot. Do not touch it with your finger or kiss
anyone! Then put a layer of toothpaste on and let it sit for 30 minutes.
Remove the toothpaste and apply more alcohol. The blisters will be almost
completely flattened. Repeat for several days. Also, get a fresh

Or: Break open a capsule of benadryl and sprinkle the powder on the top of
tube of Chap Stick (plain flavored). Then rub on the cold sore to make a
paste of balm and benadryl.

Or: dab the outbreak with a fresh clove of garlic. Allow to sit for 10
minutes. Apply several times a day.


For normal constipation, 1/3 to 1/2 cup of chopped or pulverized walnuts,
eaten in cereal, food or with juice usually works in 4 to 6 hrs.

Or: eat an orange or two at bedtime and another orange first thing in the

For bowel impaction: eat a cup of walnuts sprinkled on food or alone with a
glass of water.

That Time of the Month Cramps: Drink a cup of yarrow tea. (available at
food stores) It's amazing!

Foot Cramps: You are low on calcium (which must be combined with
magnesium for


SCRAPES: Treat a scrape with the inside of a banana peel.

Or: Aloe is soothing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, but it does
tend to
dry out the skin. Keep a plant around & cut off a leaf and rub on a cut.
If it is a scrape, slit the leaf lengthwise and open it up. Rub the exposed
gel on the scrape.

CUTS: To stop a cut from bleeding, sprinkle tea on it. You can also tape
a tea
bag to the wound (donšt use spiced tea). Duct tape works much better
than a
band aid to hold it in place. Rub a cut garlic clove over the cut if you
it might get infected. Garlic has a powerful natural antibiotic.

Or: Carefully crack open a raw egg and remove the skin that's inside the
shell. Put the wet side on the cut for speedy healing without a scar!

Or: Collect spider webs, the more the better. Place the webs directly on
open wound, cover with tape or a band-aid until the next day. When
(it will harden), run warm water over it until it softens.

in the woods: Cut a piece of your hair, burn it with a lighter, then
place it
on the bleeding area holding it in place with your fingers. The
bleeding will
stop almost immediately.

BUMPS: The remedy that works better than ice is a mixture of butter and
Simply mix a small amount of butter or margarine in the palm of your
hand with
a little salt. Apply generously if the skin isn't broken or bleeding.
You can
actually watch the knot disappear. Make sure that no salt reaches the


If you have a fever that won't break, take a raw onion, peeled and sliced,
and place the slices in the bottom part of your socks so that they are
touching the soles of your feet. Then put the socks on before you go to bed
and sleep with them. When you get up in the morning, your fever will have
broken. You can do this same technique using egg whites instead of onion.

Or: Rubbing alcohol on the insides of elbows and back of knees and on the
forehead and neck will help bring a fever down.


Drinking two glasses of Gatorade relieves headache pain almost immediately.


Mix water with cornstarch into a paste and apply. This is effective in
drawing out the poisons of most insect bites and is also an effective
for diaper rash.

MOSQUITO BITES: Apply lime juice diluted with water.

BEE STINGS: Remove the stinger. But to avoid additional pain, "scrape" it
out of the skin with a credit card, a knife or a long fingernail. Donšt try
to pull the stinger out, because youšll squeeze the tiny venom sac attached
to the stinger and release more venom into the bite. If you scrape the
stinger out, the sac comes out undisturbed. (Some people are violently
allergic to bee venom. Get medical help stat!)

Once you have removed the stinger, take an onion and cut it in half.
it to get the juices to come out a little and then gently rub the affected
area. Press the onion onto the wound. This works with hornet stings too.

Or: put a slice of dill pickle on it!

Or: Take a cigarette and break it, moisten the tobacco and with water and
apply to the sting with a band-aid.

Or: Using cornstarch paste or ammonia have also proven to be effective.


Achy muscles? Mix 1 tablespoon of horseradish in 1 cup of olive oil. Let
mixture sit for 30 minutes, then massage into the muscles.


Neutralize the uric acid and flush it out with nettle tea. Cherry juice
mixed with a little fruit juice or taken like cough syrup helps a lot.
Eating lots of pears helps too. Avoid eating: turkey meat, organ meats,
herring, anchovies, meat gravies, beer, and red wine. These are high in
purines, which metabolize into uric acid.


Take a few thicknesses of brown wrapping paper (grocery bag is ok) and cut
fit inside the heel of your shoe. Soak the paper well in Apple Cider
Vinegar, place in your shoe and wear every day, re-soaking periodically.
Within 2-3 weeks the spur will be gone.


Stand straight and put your arms straight in the air above your head and
wiggle your fingers.


Before you go to bed, put a small wedge of lemon on the toenail, securing
with duct tape (put on a sock!). When you wake up, the nail should be soft
enough to ease away from the skin so that you can trim it.


Ginger is great for nausea. Drink fresh ginger tea or take ginger capsules.

Or: Boil 1/2 cup of rice in 1 cup of water for about 10-20 minutes. After
the rice has boiled, drain the water into a cup and sip the rice water
your symptoms are gone.


Apply pressure to the fleshy part of your nose for a few minutes. You can
also place cotton soaked in white vinegar inside the bleeding nostril.

If bleeding wonšt stop, tear Kleenex into 1˛ strips, roll into 1Z2˛ roll
wet. Insert between your gum and upper lip. Clench the Kleenex with the
upper lip. It cuts off blood flow to the nose. Consider seeing a doctor.


The Amish swear by this: Mix light corn syrup in a small amount of warm
water, using just enough warm water to slightly thin the syrup. Gargle the
mixture. It is very safe if a child swallows it.

Or: Finely grate carrot and place on the neck. Hold in place with gauze or

Or: Eat garlic.

Or: Mix 1/4 cup of vinegar with 1/4 cup of honey and take 1 tablespoon six
times a day.


Cover the blemish with a dab of honey and place a Band-Aid over it. 
The honey kills the bacteria, keeps the skin sterile, 
and speeds healing. 
Works overnight.


Pour a drop of Elmer's glue over the splinter, let dry, and peel the dried glue off the skin. 
The splinter will stick to the dried glue.

Or: No time to let glue dry? Try duct tape! It's strong, and will often pull the splinter out with one pull!


Mix 2 tsp. tomato juice and 1/4 cup buttermilk. Apply to affected area. Rinse after 1/2 hour. 
Slather on Noxzema and leave it on all night.

Or: apply aloe gel to any burned areas, then a skin moisturizer.


When applying sunburn remedies to the face, be extremely careful around the
eyes. If your eyes are severely sunburned and feel gritty, seek immediate
professional eye care.

Treat burned and irritated skin with cold whole milk. Pour the milk into a
shallow bowl, and apply by generously dabbing it on with cotton balls. Or
,if you donšt mind the mess, dip your hands into the bowl and apply the

After applying the milk, pat your face dry, and put shaving cream into the
palm of your hand. Carefully apply it to the burn. Apply a generous layer.
Be careful not to get the cream into your eyes. Allow the shaving cream to
remain on your face as long as possible. Wash it off with cool water, and
reapply it as is necessary.

Sunburned eyes and lips can be extremely painful. Cold tea bags can provide
relief. Soak tea bags in cold water, squeeze out the excess, and lay the
bags over your closed eyelids and mouth.


Soak your toes in Listerine.


A wart is a viral infection. Short of removing the tissue, create an
inhospitable environment for the virus. It can be a slow process. Rub
vitamin A or castor oil on the wart and then wrap the area tightly with a
bandage. Repeat this twice a day.

Or: Chop a raw onion in a dish, cover with salt and leave overnight. Apply
the resulting juice to the warts twice a day, until they disappear.

Or: Apply apple cider vinegar and then baking soda. Remove the baking soda
after fifteen minutes. Do this 6 to 7 times a day.



If menacing bees, wasps, hornets, or yellow jackets get in your home, and
you cannot safely chase them out, a spray of Formula 409 drops them


HAIRBALLS: To prevent troublesome hairballs, apply a dollop of Vaseline
petroleum jelly to your cat's nose. The cat will lick off the jelly,
lubricating any hair in its stomach so it can pass easily through the
digestive system.

EAR MITES: Put a few drops of corn oil in the cat's ear. Massage it in,
then clean with a cotton ball. Repeat daily for 3 days. The oil smothers
mites, soothes the cat's skin and accelerates healing.


Add a few drops of Dawn dish washing liquid to your dog's bath and shampoo
thoroughly. Rinse well to avoid skin irritations. Goodbye fleas.

Or: mix oil of clove, and oil of eucalyptus, dap on head and places where the dog or cat won't



To prevent the screws in eyeglasses from loosening, apply a small drop of
clear nail polish to the threads of the screws before tightening them.


Soak the gum-coated hair in cola and it should wipe out easily.


Fill a quart-size zip-lock freezer bag with one cup of rubbing alcohol and
two cups of water. Store in the freezer. The mixture won't freeze solid,
and it will be easy to shape around sore elbows or knees.

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